Sample Alert

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Group photo of Dean Summer Arts Institute in the Guidrey Center

Dean College was pleased to welcome Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito to campus today. Lt. Governor Polito had the opportunity to meet with Chancellor Augustus and President Elmore, then speak with students attending the Dean Summer Arts Institute this week. Lt. Governor Polito shared her wisdom and advice with attendees, Dean College students, faculty and staff involved with the program.

The Dean Summer Arts Institute is hosting 37 students for a one-week intensive in two disciplines: Dance and Musical Theatre. These students range from current high school students to incoming first-year students at Dean for Fall 2022. Students are spending their week training with esteemed faculty and guest artists for each program, as well as attending workshops and learning about conditioning, resume writing, the college preparation process and headshots.

Thank you for sharing your time and experience with our students, Lt. Governor Polito!

Learn more about the Dean Summer Arts Institute and the Dance and Theatre programs at Dean College.