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Are you looking to start a new club? Here at Dean College our students take the initiative to form their own, based on their interests. Communications majors Seth Von Schmidt ’20, Luke Smith ’21 and Jaime Sweeney ’21 were looking for an outlet to continue to work on their video production skills outside of classroom – that’s when the Dean News Network (DNN) was formed.  

Members of DNN are given the opportunity to create and distribute video content for various platforms. Material focuses on campus news and sports, student spotlights, movie reviews, entertainment news and professional sports.

DNN posts content at a minimum 4-5 times per week. If you are on campus, you can watch them on Dean College campus cable. You can also follow the club on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Looking to get involved? DNN meets Mondays and Thursdays at 6 p.m. Monday’s meeting is pre-production, where the group discusses plans for their next episode. Thursday is when the episode is filmed. All majors are encouraged to attend.

Visit Student Activities and Involvement for other ways to be active on campus!